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Breathe/Respira Brazil held in Itacaré, Brazil, 15th – 25th of May, will bring together the boardsports community to join forces with local sustainability institutions, to tackle significant regional issues, and internationally operating associations, to learn, exchange ideas and find innovative solutions. The second of the Breathe Foundation’s events fuses ecology, sport, music, art, workshops, wellness and direct action projects into a life expanding experience, being surrounded by the epic scenery of the Atlantic Rainforest.

Créme Skateboard and Clothing company has joined forces with Breathe, to build a skate bowl on Itacaré’s scenic Tiririca beach, one of the best surf breaks in town. It is heading into its third week of construction and is nearing completion. The skate infrastructure, designed by Stefan Hauser of Placed to Ride and managed by Max Häring, build as part of the Breathe/Respira Brazil event is set to be inaugurated and donated to the local community of Itacaré on Wednesday the 19th of May 2010.

Located approximately five hours South of Salvador da Bahia, Brazil, Itacaré sits in the Atlantic Rain-forest recognized by UNESCO as one of the five biodiversity hot-spots on the planet. Through logging, agriculture and population encroachment, it has been reduced to approximately 7% its original size. The remaining forest and the huge number of endemic fauna and flora species it supports is under continued threat from logging, poaching, multi-national farming companies and a growing local population.

(see Breathe Foundation YouTube for the daily video updates from Breathe Costa Rica)

Breathe Events challenge people to leave their regular surroundings and to re-immerse themselves with an isolated, vibrant, living, ecosystem. A chance to take direct action with organizations on the ground. A chance to stop for a second, take a deep breath, to interact and re-examine our place on the planet from a completely different perspective. Put simply, Breathe events offer a unique experience with like-minded people interested and working for change…

If you are interested in participating, contributing, donating, becoming a partner, or simply want to know more, visit the Breathe Foundation site for all the information available and updated.

“When you go riding or surfing you are amidst nature most of the time and we have to be aware of what’s going on. I have been surfing all my life and I see the difference between now and back in the days. You have to be touched by what’s going on if you are connected to nature.” – Maritxu Darrigrand, Marketing Director at Roxy

And that’s what the Roxy Chicken Jam 2010 was all about! It was one of the first carbon neutral boardsport events in Europe. Recent major events that have taken responsibility for their greenhouse gas emissions include: the 2007 Academy Awards, 2006 FIFA World Cup Soccer, and the Dave Matthews Band concert tour. The environmental leadership demonstrated by these events is helping to transform the event industry, with green initiatives quickly becoming an expected part of holding an event. Let’s hope the snowboarding industry – highly dependent on the earth’s climate – starts leading by example. Read the rest of this entry »
